Author-visit programs are available for preschool through middle school and designed for classroom and library settings.
The goal of these visits is to connect with young readers and aspiring young writers in ways that are meaningful to them, while adhering to educational standards for each grade level.
Program content and length will be tailored to grade level and teacher/librarian requests.
Please contact me two months in advance of the desired visit to discuss your program wish list, booking information and fees.
Connecting with middle-grade students

“DJ Brandon is an outstanding storyteller that captures the hearts and minds of her readers!”
Meagan Carr, Youth Services Librarian
A visit with preschool

“D.J. Brandon (Ms. Deb) did a wonderful job teaching my preschool class all about authors and how they come up with topics for their stories. Her presentation was hands-on and kept my students engaged and entertained the whole time.”
Preschool Teacher, Ashley Lefort